Wednesday, August 18, 2010

My sister

I am so sick of her bullshit, she cries hurt feelings everytime I so much as say boo!!! I cant begin to say how many time we didnt talk or argued because of that. This last time was it though! She got into my business, and I told her to butt out (more politely) and she got hurt feelings, well boo hoo. So I went off and now she wont speak to me, I am dead to her and she is dead to me. Oh well I was tired of her boohooing for attention. AND lying for attention, never feeling good, lying about having swine flu and being in the hospital and having cancer. She is 42 grow the fuck up!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

What the hell is wrong with my dam family?

What the hell is wrong with my family? Are they freaken crazy? I moved from chicago a month ago it was to get away from both abuse and homelessness. I asked my bf to give my child 100 bucks a week, he makes mega money and according to the state website calculator I would be getting over 400 per week if I let child support enforcement deal with it. So he tells my mother and she calls me yelling at me, telling me I am wrong and I am a mooch. I get my own money and pay for everything, including rent, does that sound like a mooch? So my mother tells my sister and she decides to get all up in my business. I told her off, and now she refuses to speak to me. She shouldnt have dipped her nose in my business, I am pissed at my mom and refuse to speak to her. I am not tolerating this!!